Frequently (and not so frequently) Asked Questions
BRIEF: Do you have any information about heart worm disease?
I have an eight year old female German Shepard, who yesterday was diagnosed with
significant heart worm disease. The vet is keeping me well informed, but I was
just curious to see if there was any more information that you may have there at
the College? The vet said that her blood work shows no signs of kiddney or liver
damage, but he said they will not know more about her heart until some of the
worms are killed. They are going to give her a treatment twice over the course
of thirty days. I am also in need of some tips on how to keep her calm when she
comes home tomorrow. She is an outdoor dog and very
I am not a vet and know little about heartworms, except they are easier to
prevent than cure and that years ago there once was some risk to trying to kill
them in situ. Your vet can contact the appropriate people at Cornell Vet School
to learn more.